Friday, October 1, 2010


Yep, finally, the wedding madness is over. It was a wonderful day but I hope I never have to plan a wedding again! 

Josie looked so amazingly cute in her little red dress that I custom-ordered from a seller on Etsy. I will have to post pictures of it later, but here is one that we got as part of a sneak-preview from our awesome photographer, Audre (

Josh and I spent a whole four nights without Josie this weekend while we were taking care of "business," which was pretty hard, especially the first night. We stayed at Great Wolf Lodge Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, so we stopped in at the gift shop and got her something to remember the weekend by. 

We've named her "Wolfie," and Josie loves it. She will sit and stare at it forever, and smiles when we put it in front of her. 

I can tell they're going to be BFF's, even though Wolfie can't give kisses like Gambit can. 

Here's a few more I took yesterday.





AND today while my new mother-in-law and I were at Walgreens, we made the most awesome discovery.

"Just Josie" books! Sure, the Josie in the book is a redhead, and has a cat instead of a dog, but what little kid doesn't love reading about someone with the same name as them? I never thought there'd be Josie books. So awesome!

One last thing:

This is how we discovered her napping in her swing today. So proper =)